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Features and functionality

The common types of  features and functionality ETL Data Mining Data Source Visualization Predictive Analytics Dashboard 1. ETL ETL stands for Extract, Transform and Load. And it is the accepted way for organizations to link data from multiple systems into a database, or a data warehouse. Learn More:  Informatica ETL   Process:  2. Data Mining Data mining is a process used by an organization to collect raw data into useful information using software to look for patterns in large batches of data. Data Mining Process: 3. Data Source A data source is the location from which the data being used originates, or is being retrieved from, the physical location. like from any local drive, or server.  4. Visualization Visualization is the technique of presenting data in the form of pictures of diagrams or animations to communicate a message. Which gives an opportunity to understand ideas and business through visual imagery.  Visualization:  5. Predictive Analytics Predictive analytics is the use